Rural homestays 

with farmers host families

We are 40 families from the village of Caño Cristales. We are settlers and have lived for 60 years in the village of La Cachivera. We are dedicated to agriculture, we are passionate about horseback riding, we live from livestock and it has always been our main economic activity, because it is what we have known how to do for years. We are aware that with tourism we can move towards an economy that allows us to take care of the forests and preserve the natural wealth that surrounds us; that is what we want the most.

Our first approach to tourism was in 2012 with the voluntary contribution for income to Caño Cristales, we have used this contribution to benefit and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of our village and others. With this income we fixed roads, created bridges, helped families in need, and bought school supplies for the children

We currently offer tourism in our village. Today we are about 25 families involved in community-based tourism: we offer guiding, food, canoeing activities to see birds, horseback riding, boat transportation and lodging in our lodges. We are committed to community-based tourism and we work on a rotational system in which we take turns to offer these services and allow everyone to win.

Everyone is invited to discover the Cachivera along with the most beautiful river in the world in Caño Cristales, guided by the local community that was born in this territory and that today is focusing on tourism as a strategy for environmental conservation.

3 DayS - 2 Nights

Prece per Person:

$430 USD 

(In minimum groups of 2 or more. If it is a single person, it costs $876 USD).


Day 1

Knowing the magic of the Laguna del Silencio: Upon arrival at the Macarena airport, you will meet your guide to go to receive the induction talk by the National Natural Parks (PNN) depending on the time of arrival you will have lunch in town or in the village in a peasant farm, then go to the port Inderena to take a canoe that will take you for about 25 to 30 minutes on the Guayabero River to the village of La Cachivera where you will take a horse or take a walk until you reach the peasant farm of Mr. Antonio Pinto, You will begin the journey to the Laguna del Silencio, where you will take a small canoe and start the tour, there you can go through the arches of the moriche palm and visit the garcero, it is an activity that allows you to connect with nature and feel the tranquility that gives you the natural water mirror, you will go to the assigned lodge, dinner and rest.

Day 2 

Charco Moriche connection with Caño Cristales green part: after breakfast we will move through a nature trail passing through various ecosystems and meeting more families that are linked to community tourism, here we will have the opportunity to meet the lower part of Caño Cristales in the first walk of the day in which you will visit various attractions in some of our stops you can snorkel, swim and observe the green Macarenia Clavigera. During the walk you will have lunch (served in a banana leaf).

Once you are at your lodge, you will have dinner and at night you will have time to share with your hosts around a campfire where you can listen to myths, legends and stories of the community and you can have dinner and rest.


Return: if you wish to see the beautiful llanero sunrise you will have to get up very early and then have breakfast and start the walk back home to the pick up point on horseback to reach the Guayabero River where you will take the canoe back to the Macarena and take your flight back home.


English speaking guide every day

2 nights in a rural homestay (Tell us which hotel you want to stay at. Remember that we are subject to reservations)

Round trip river navigation on the Guayabero River. 

Round trip transportation in 4x4 trucks. 

Permit applications at the National Natural Parks of Colombia. 

Meals (lunch on the first and last day depending on the time of arrival and departure of the flight).  

Contribution to the village of La Cachivera de Caño Cristales. 

Contribution to the CONSERVATION of the Private Natural Reserve MADRE SELVA of Colombia Oculta 

Medical assistance policy. 

It is important to understand that the food included in the plan is prepared by the people of the community and the menu is based on typical products of the region, avoiding the use of products from other regions. If you wish you can ask for the details of this menu and in case you need or want food that is not from the area, we ask for your understanding and suggest that you bring it as part of your luggage.


Air tickets

Expenses not stipulated.

Entrance taxes to Caño Cristales:

(to be paid at the Macarena airport).

Tourist taxes from PNN, Cormacarena and the Mayor's Office:

NON-resident foreigners: $55

Airport tax ($2).

Bring this money in cash colombian pesos


Charter flights fares 2023: 

Bogota - La Macarena $220 one way.

Bogota- La Macarena - Bogota: $408

(Flights Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) 

Medellin - La Macarena $236 each way.

Medellin - La Macarena - Medellin: $440

(Flights on Mondays and Fridays)

Villavicencio - La Macarena $158 each way. 

Villavicencio - La Macarena - Villavicencio: $282

(Flights every day). 

Private ground transportation door to door 2023: 

Bogota - Villavicencio - Bogota. From $100 each way (for groups between 1 and 4 persons) Frequency: Every day. Price varies according to number of passengers


Price per Person:

$569 USD

(In minimum groups of 2 or more. If it is a single person, it costs $1,117 USD).


Day 1

Getting to know the magic of La Cachivera: Upon arrival at the Macarena airport, you will meet your guide to go to receive the induction talk by the National Natural Parks (PNN) depending on the time of arrival you will have lunch in the village or in the village in a peasant farm, then go to the port Inderena to take a canoe that will take you for about 25 to 30 minutes on the Guayabero River to the village of La Cachivera where you will take a horse or take a walk until you arrive, you will go to the assigned lodge.

Once you are at your lodge, you will have dinner and in the evening you will have time to share with your hosts around a campfire where you can listen to myths, legends and stories of the community and you can have dinner and rest.

Day 2 

Caño Cristales of colors: after breakfast we will ride on horseback through a nature trail passing through various ecosystems, here we will have the opportunity to see the upper part of Caño Cristales in the first walk of the day in which you will visit various attractions in some of our stops you can snorkel, swim and observe the Macarenia Clavigera. During the tour you will have lunch (served in a banana leaf). Dinner and rest.

Day 3 

Charco Moriche connection with Caño Cristales green part: after breakfast we will move through a nature trail passing through several ecosystems and meeting more families that are linked to community tourism, here we will have the opportunity to meet the lower part of Caño Cristales in the first walk of the day in which you will visit different attractions in some of our stops you can snorkel, swim and observe the green Macarenia Clavigera. During the tour you will have lunch (served in a banana leaf), and you can have dinner and rest.

Day 4 

Return: if you wish to see the beautiful llanero sunrise you will have to get up very early and then have breakfast and start the walk back home to the pick up point on horseback to reach the Guayabero River where you will take the canoe back to the Macarena and take your flight back home.


*River transportation: 30 minute trip on the Guayabero River in a motor canoe with capacity for 7 people round trip on the last day.

And navigation in a paddle boat on the Laguna del Silencio.

*3 nights in a rural homestay

Depending on the availability of the posadas you will have private or shared bathroom.

*You will have 4 breakfasts in your posada, one lunch in the posada or in a farm of the community, 2 lunches prepared by the community cooking group and 3 dinners in the posada where you are staying.

*You will go on horseback from the reception area to your lodging and return on the last day and horseback riding to and from the Selva del Silencio trail.

You will visit the Moriche puddle and Fauna and Flora trails every day.

You will have the opportunity to bathe in the

You will have the opportunity to bathe in the refreshing waters that come from Caño Cristales and you will have a moment of connection and share with your hosts through a campfire where you will listen to the different stories in the village of La Cachivera.

*Accompaniment of the local guide in Spanish for 4 days. Management of entrance permits to National Parks and Cormacarena. Travel insurance


Air tickets

Expenses not stipulated.

Entrance taxes to Caño Cristales:

(to be paid at the Macarena airport).

Tourist taxes from PNN, Cormacarena and the Mayor's Office:

NON-resident foreigners: $55

Airport tax ($2).

Bring this money in cash colombian pesos


Charter flights fares 2023: 

Bogota - La Macarena $220 one way.

Bogota- La Macarena - Bogota: $408

(Flights Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) 

Medellin - La Macarena $236 each way.

Medellin - La Macarena - Medellin: $440

(Flights on Mondays and Fridays)

Villavicencio - La Macarena $158 each way. 

Villavicencio - La Macarena - Villavicencio: $282

(Flights every day). 

Private ground transportation door to door 2023: 

Bogota - Villavicencio - Bogota. From $100 each way (for groups between 1 and 4 persons) Frequency: Every day. Price varies according to number of passengers

5 DayS - 4 Nights

Precio por Persona:

$677 USD

(In minimum groups of 2 or more. If it is a single person, it costs $1,317 USD).


Day 1

Conociendo la magia La Cachivera: al llegar al aeropuerto de la Macarena, te  encontrarás con tu guía para ir a recibir la charla de inducción por parte de Parques  Nacionales Naturales (PNN) dependiendo de la hora de llegada tomaras el almuerzo en el  pueblo o en la vereda en una finca campesina, luego irás al puerto Inderena para tomar una  canoa que te llevará por unos 25 a 30 minutos sobre el Río Guayabero hasta la vereda la  Cachivera allí tomarás un caballo o realizaras una caminata hasta llegar, te dirigirás al  hospedaje asignado.

Una vez estés en tu posada, cenarás y en la noche tendrás un tiempo para compartir con tus  anfitriones alrededor de una fogata donde podrás escuchar mitos, leyendas e historias de la  comunidad y podrás tomar la cena y descansar.

Day 2 

Caño Cristales de colores: después de tomar el desayuno nos desplazaremos a  caballo por un sendero natural pasando por varios ecosistemas, aquí tendremos la  oportunidad de conocer la parte alta de Caño Cristales en la primera caminata del día en la  que recorrerás distintos atractivos en algunas de nuestras paradas podrás caretear, nadar y  observar la Macarenia Clavigera. Durante el recorrido tomarás el almuerzo tipo fiambre  (servido en hoja de plátano). Cena y descansar.

Day 3 

Laguna del silencio: muy temprano (snack) iniciaremos nuestro día con una  observación y fotografía de aves, algunos primates y con posibilidad de registrar huellas de  mamiferos para después regresar al hospedaje para tomar el desayuno y tomar tu ropa de  baño; emprenderás una caminata para realizar la actividad de tubbing y baño recreativo. Después del almuerzo caminaremos por el sendero Fauna y Flora que nos dirigirá hacia la  Laguna del Silencio, donde tomarás un potrillo (canoa tradicional) e iniciarás el recorrido, allí  podrás recorrer los arcos de la palma de moriche y visitar el garcero, regresarás al  hospedaje y podrás tomar la cena y descansar.

Day 4 

Charco Moriche conexión con Caño Cristales parte de verde: después de  tomar el desayuno nos desplazaremos por un sendero natural pasando por varios  ecosistemas y conociendo más familias que se vinculan al turismo comunitario, aquí  tendremos la oportunidad de conocer la parte de baja de Caño Cristales en la primera  caminata del día en la que recorrerás distintos atractivos en algunas de nuestras paradas  podrás caretear, nadar y observar la Macarenia Clavigera de color verde. Durante el recorrido  tomarás el almuerzo tipo fiambre (servido en hoja de plátano), y podrás tomar la cena y  descansar.

Day 5 

Regreso: si deseas ver el hermoso amanecer llanero deberás levantarte muy  temprano para después tomar el desayuno e iniciaras la caminata de regreso a casa hasta el  punto de recogida en caballo para llegar al río Guayabero donde tomarás la canoa de regreso  hacia la Macarena y tomar tu vuelo regreso a casa.


*River transportation: 30 minute trip on the Guayabero River in a motor canoe with capacity for 7 people round trip on the last day.

And navigation in a paddle boat on the Laguna del Silencio.

*4 nights in rural homestay

Depending on the availability of the inns you will have private or shared bathroom.

*You will have 4 breakfasts in your posada, 3 lunches in posadas or farms of the community, 2 lunches type fiambre, prepared by the group of kitchens of the community and 4 dinners in the posada in which you are staying.

*You will go on horseback from the reception area to your lodging and return on the last day and horseback riding to and from the Selva del Silencio trail.

And you will visit the following trails every day

You will have the opportunity to bathe in the refreshing waters that come from Caño Cristales and you will have a moment of connection and sharing with your hosts through a campfire where you will listen to the different stories in the village of La Cachivera.

*Accompaniment of the local guide in Spanish for 5 days. Management of entrance permits to National Parks and Cormacarena. Travel insurance


Air tickets

Expenses not stipulated.

Entrance taxes to Caño Cristales:

(to be paid at the Macarena airport).

Tourist taxes from PNN, Cormacarena and the Mayor's Office:

NON-resident foreigners: $55

Airport tax ($2).

Bring this money in cash colombian pesos


Charter flights fares 2023: 

Bogota - La Macarena $220 one way.

Bogota- La Macarena - Bogota: $408

(Flights Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) 

Medellin - La Macarena $236 each way.

Medellin - La Macarena - Medellin: $440

(Flights on Mondays and Fridays)

Villavicencio - La Macarena $158 each way. 

Villavicencio - La Macarena - Villavicencio: $282

(Flights every day). 

Private ground transportation door to door 2023: 

Bogota - Villavicencio - Bogota. From $100 each way (for groups between 1 and 4 persons) Frequency: Every day. Price varies according to number of passengers



Here you can see any of the rural homestays you can choose for your experience. Whichever one you choose, we must check availability before booking. It is vital that you choose two options to be able to discard them in case they are full on the date you want to travel.

If you are going to cancel your trip:

1. Cancellations must be made 5 days prior to the departure date and 90% of the reservation deposit will be refunded, apart from any deductions or penalties previously established by the suppliers, when the services are not used. This refund will be made within 30 calendar days from the date the claim is made. If the cancellation is not made 5 days in advance, the money will not be refunded. 

2. If the client does not show up for the trip, no refund will be made.

3. In the event that the user of the tourist services, fails to use the agreed services, whatever the cause, the Agency may require at its option the payment of 20% of the total price or rate established or retain the deposit or advance previously received from the user.

4. In fortuitous cases (climatic changes, natural disasters, landslides, mishaps in air, land or river transportation) in which the trip has to be cancelled, Colombia Oculta will return 90% of the deposit of the reservation. 

See Terms and Conditions of Colombia Oculta SAS.

Booking and Payment Processes

Reserve at least 5 days in advance.

Contact us to start the Pre-Reservation process:

Tell us if you need air tickets and the dates of your trip.

Once the Pre-Reservation is assigned choose the METHOD OF PAYMENT:

Option 1:

International bank transfer consignment:

Bancolombia. Savings account # 33600026475


To the name of Colombia Oculta SAS NIT 900207968

Send via mail ( the proof of payment with name, ID number or passport copy of the passengers and age.

Different banks around the world charge different fees for international transfers. On average it is 2.5%. When the money arrives in our bank account, we will show you our bank statement to verify the amount you paid. This will be the valid value applied to your reservation. 

Option 2:

Credit Card (To do this you must already have a pre-booking assigned).


Wompi Bancolombia



General Recommendations

✓ Long sleeve shirts

✓ Long pants

✓ Repellent

✓ Hiking boots

✓ Camera

✓ Hat or cap

✓ Sunscreen

✓ Swimwear

✓ Waterproof clothing

✓ Quick-drying towel

✓ Waterproof poncho

✓ Head flashlight

✓ Thiamine five days in advance

✓ Personal water thermos

✓ Trekking pole (optional).

✓ Vaccinations

✓ Identification documents

✓ Binoculars

Please note that Colombia Oculta is not responsible:

Due to flight delays and airline difficulties. 

Mechanical and meteorological difficulties that force carriers to cancel or modify itineraries. 

Material or immaterial damages that you may suffer due to loss, damage or theft of baggage or objects. These risks are assumed by you for the duration of the trip.

Duties of Travelers:

Respect the culture, beliefs, traditions and habits of the locals.

Make proper use of the facilities and resources such as water and energy where you visit.

Respect biodiversity. 

Comply with current regulations to prevent sexual exploitation of minors. Or denounce in case of evidence. 

Not to have discriminatory or excluding behavior with other travelers, collaborators and communities with whom you share the experience.

Abide by the recommendations of the guides and experience advisors for each tour.

Why Colombia Oculta? 

Because we are conscious beings. We like to support native communities and we believe that tourism is one of the healthiest ways to grow the fair and solidary economy of the country. Because we weave relationships with indigenous communities and we like that the guides and people who collaborate with us are local and indigenous. But also whites, blacks, mestizos and people of all races. In the end we are all children of Mother Earth. Thank you for choosing us ;