Eastern trails of CHingaza

Sua - Sie

Plantas del camino



in search of bear and deer

15 September

17 November

$80 USD per person

-Private transportation from Bahia Olimpica in Bogota Carrera 7 with 82nd Street. -Private entrance fee at National Parks. -Breakfast in La Calera. Typical arepas with aguadepanela and cheese. -Local farmer's lunch. -Nature guides endorsed by National Parks. -Medical assistance policy. Hike in the Chingaza Lagoon in search of the Andean Bear. 

FAUN & FLORA in Chingaza Park

In the Andean jungle and the moorlands of Chingaza is a unique natural system. These forests are water factories working 24 hours a day with a mechanism driven by the beautiful mist that caresses the mountains and leaves small impregnated droplets in them, which are attached to the tiny leaves and natural sponges (moss). 

We are in a natural spectacle of a tiny universe. Those droplets go down the mountain and form fine threads of water that reach the lagoons and then become rivers. 

Immense forests where one breathes peace and silence. The music is composed by the tanagers, the eagles, the wind and the dew.

Thanks to this wonderful system, more than 10 million inhabitants in Bogota are fed with water. That is why it is so important. And not only that, it really is a great sanctuary of nature, a mystical temple of Muisca traditions.


Departure 6:00 am. Bogota - Chingaza Park. Vehicle journey (approximately 2 to 3 hours each way) In this journey we will make a stop at typical restaurants in La Calera for breakfast and we will also enter the National Parks Office for our registrations and permits.  

We will continue our journey from La Calera to Chingaza National Park, passing by the Piedras Gordas checkpoint, the entrance to the park where we will be welcomed by National Parks officials.  

Then we continue to the trail of your choice: Sua Sie, Plantas del Camino de la Laguna de Chingaza or Lagna Seca. There are three different trails offered by the park. You can only choose one on your visit. We like to make several stops along the way, to observe the wonderful landscape of Chingaza.

After this we proceed back along the road out of the páramo and out of the park. The view is beautiful, enjoy it.  You will be back in Bogota between 3 and 6 pm.

Which trail do you want to visit?

These are the 3 trails from which you can choose ONE for each visit.

✓ Sua Sie Trail  Between 3100 and 3300 meters above sea level. It has approximately 3.5 km of boarded trail that runs in cloud forest and a part of moorland. Low to medium difficulty. You will start the trail from the visitor's center in Monteredondo where you will be able to observe the deer very closely. Preferably walk slowly to appreciate the great variety of plants and the possibility of observing birds and traces of cusumbos, bears and other mammals. You will pass through two streams: one wide and torrential and the other narrow and dancing. At the top, and to your surprise and delight, there is a viewpoint where it is well worth having lunch watching the Chuza dam that provides 80% of the water to Bogota and some neighboring municipalities. Sometimes the moorland eagles or Andean condors fly over the trail. We also walk along the path of the senses where we can observe a great variety of orchids and the Chuza dam.

✓ Plantas del Camino Trail in Chingaza Lagoon Located between 3100 and 3200 masl. Low difficulty hike of 4 kilometers. It takes 2 to 3 hours depending on the pace of your rhythm. You will have a wonderful view of the Chingaza Lagoon with 80 hectares of water mirror. You can also find traces of bears, you can see birds and cloud forests. In the lagoon you can see tinguas and ducks. In the upper part of the trail you can see waterfalls. It is 65 kilometers from La Calera and more than 3 hours by car.   ⚠️ Keep in mind that this trail is very secluded and you will have to spend a lot of time in the car to get there. In any case, the whole journey is also a great gift to see the wonderful scenery of Chingaza.

✓ Laguna Seca Trail  You will see two lagoons: La Laguna Verde and Laguna Seca. it is 2.5 kilometers through páramo ecosystem. it is the first trail of the protected area, between 3,100 and 3,200 masl. It is preferable to walk slowly because of the variety of moorland plants and wonderful landscapes. It passes through the paramo biomes and you will see the source of the Chuza River and the beautiful Laguna Seca. On this trail there are bears or bear tracks, deer and moorland and aquatic birds such as tinguas and ducks.

Tell us which trail you choos 🙌🏽 

4 Types of plans for the three trails

1. TOP Plan 

With private transportation, bilingual guide, meals and permits.

2. Medium Plan

With transportation, bilingual guide, permits, but NO meals.


All inclusive from Bogota. If you want to go to Chingaza with a group of family or friends tell us when you want to go. We will pick you up at your home or hotel on the indicated day and we will provide the food for that day of adventure.

price per PERSON

1 person $312 USD

2 persons $165 USD

3 persons $129 USD

4 persons $123 USD

5 - 7 persons $97 USD

8 - 12 persons $84 USD


-Private transportation door to door.

-Vehicle entrance fee at National Parks.

-Person entrance fee at National Parks.

-Breakfast in La Calera. Typical Arepas with aguadepanela and cheese.

-Local farmer's lunch.


-Professional nature guide.

-Local guide (1 guide for every 8 people approx).

-Medical assistance policy.


Non-stipulated expenses.


-Alcoholic beverages.


It is the same full plan, just without meals ;) If you prefer to bring your own snack, it's perfect.

price per PERSON

1 person $276USD

2 persons $144USD

 3  persons $100  USD

4 persons $98 USD

5 - 7 persons $73 USD

8 - 12 persons $62 USD


-Private transportation door to door.

-Vehicle entrance fee at National Parks.

-Personal entrance fee in National Parks.

-Professional nature guide.

-Medical assistance policy.


Non-stipulated expenses.-Propinas.-Alcoholic beverages.-Breakfast in La Calera. Typical arepas with aguadepanela and cheese.

-Local farmer's lunch.

-Snack (sandwich, fruit, juice and chocolate).

general recommendations

We will be hiking in high mountains, so you must be in good physical condition. We will be between 2,900 masl and 3,200 masl. The difficulty is medium and the walk on the Sua Sie trail lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours and the walk in Laguna Seca lasts another 2 to 3 hours. It is necessary to bring adequate clothing for the paramo (jacket and pants in waterproof fibers preferably, cap, pantaneras boots or mountain boots of high cane), change of clothes, sun block for skin and lips, water bottle, camera, personal documents, picnic lunch (sandwich, fruits, chocolate, juices or hydrating).


Colombia Oculta cannot guarantee the ascent if the weather conditions are extreme or put at risk the safety of the people who are part of the experience.  

Colombia Oculta reserves the right to stop the expedition in case of risk to the integrity or life of any of the expedition members or if the guide decides to do so.


Reserve at least 5 days in advance.

Contact us to start the Pre-Reservation process: reservas@colombiaoculta.org

Tell us if you need air tickets and the dates of your trip.

Once the Pre-Reservation is assigned choose the METHOD OF PAYMENT:

Option 1:

International bank transfer consignment:

Bancolombia. Savings account # 33600026475


To the name of Colombia Oculta SAS NIT 900207968

Send via mail (reservas@colombiaoculta.org) the proof of payment with name, ID number or passport copy of the passengers and age.

Option 2:

Credit Card (To do this you must already have a pre-booking assigned).


Wompi Bancolombia




1. Cancellations must be made 5 days prior to the departure date and 90% of the reservation deposit will be refunded, apart from any deductions or penalties previously established by the suppliers, when the services are not used. This refund will be made within 30 calendar days from the date the claim is made. If the cancellation is not made 5 days in advance, the money will not be refunded. 

2. If the client does not show up for the trip, no refund will be made.

3. In the event that the user of the tourist services, fails to use the agreed services, whatever the cause, the Agency may require at its option the payment of 20% of the total price or rate established or retain the deposit or advance previously received from the user.

4. In fortuitous cases (climatic changes, natural disasters, landslides, mishaps in air, land or river transportation) in which the trip has to be cancelled, Colombia Oculta will return 90% of the deposit of the reservation. 

See Terms and Conditions of Colombia Oculta SAS