RecomMeNDATIOS Caño Cristales

Useful tips for your visit to Caño Cristales


-We recommend that you bring a change of clothes for travel (the journey from your home, the flight and the arrival at La Macarena), which we leave to travel clean when we return. 

-A change of clothes for walking. Long sleeve shirt, pants that you can take off the sleeve and it looks like a pair of pants. The best are those with quick-drying fibers. If you do not have them, it does not matter, but preferably do not wear jeans that take a long time to dry and get hot. 

-Bathing suit.

-A change of cool clothes to sleep in, hopefully with long sleeves to prevent insect bites. 

-Comfortable walking shoes or sandals for river hiking (If you are staying in a rural lodge, we recommend that you bring rubber boots as well. You can buy them in La Macarena for $40,000 COP and perhaps donate them to someone in the area).

-For those staying in Madre Selva we recommend bringing rubber boots. If we don't notice and step on a snake, it can get angry and bite us. They do not attack just for the sake of it, nor do they chase humans to poison them, in fact they run away from them. Part of the beauty of the jungle is seeing the animals in the wild. If you see a snake or any animal it is best to look at it, greet it and continue on your way. As far as possible, do not bother it, attack it or catch it. They feel the fear of people and also get nervous. 

-bathing sandals.

Translated with (free version)


As of 2016 the Macarena police is demanding the yellow fever card at the airport immigration. We do not agree with any kind of obligation to get vaccinated. But it is something alien to our organization. Vaccinations can be administered in the main health centers of each city. In Bogotá they are given free of charge in the following health centers: El Dorado Airport, Fontibón; Prehospitalaria-Terminal Terrestre, Teusaquillo; Centro de Atención Medico Integral (CAMI) Suba, Suba; Unidad Primaria de Atención (UPA) Lorencita Villegas, Barrios Unidos and UPA Candelaria la Nueva, Ciudad Bolívar. REMEMBER TO GET THE VACCINE 10 DAYS BEFORE YOUR TRIP. 


-Identity documents. 

-Camera and spare batteries. Also a case to keep the camera. Sometimes it rains or you have to cross the river and you may get wet. 

-Small towel (ask us for a traveling towel sold by a friend).

-Thin waterproof jacket or waterproof poncho. 

-Headlamp with spare batteries. 

-Toiletries and personal medications.

Small hands-free backpack that can be used on the flight (max 10 kilos of luggage) and that can be used on hikes. Do not carry wheeled suitcases. 

-Take natural insect repellents that do not contaminate the river (there is one that is prepared with antiseptic alcohol with kitchen nails, mix it and the next day it works, it is very good).

-Do not take sunscreen, as we have found that they leave traces of oil in crystal clear water. 

-Toilet paper kept in a bag in the backpack. 

-Water bottle

-If you like meditation, bring a pad.

-Ornithology can not be forgotten, being the country with the world record in birds and its new 1900 species of birds. The binoculars are very interesting elements that allow you to observe the birds without disturbing them and you don't know how incredible it is! Our guides have been taking inventory of the birds and fauna and carry in their backpacks the bird guide of Colombia.

-Light cap or hat and sunglasses. 

-Swimming mask or goggles. One of the activities that can be done is snorkeling and apnea. Even underwater photography. For this type of photography they sell specialized cameras or cases to store them and be able to submerge them. 

-Once a month we have a meeting in the village of La Cachivera, where Caño Cristales is located. In the little school there are several children from the village who are grateful for the school supplies that we can bring them. Hopefully in good condition and not damaged. Children's stories, colors, paintbrushes, crayons, didactic games. The community and the children will appreciate it.


-The only cellular operator in the area is Claro and it is sometimes unstable. Cellular data works, but sometimes fails.

-In the hotels in Macarena there is wi fi signal. 


What makes the rainbow turn into a river in Caño Cristales is a magical natural cycle that can only be seen in this place on the planet. This phenomenon is made possible by aquatic plants known scientifically as “podostemonaceas”. These plants, not algae, have an absolutely beautiful natural cycle. And it is thanks to our father the SUN, to the biogeographical conditions of the river, to the physical-chemical compositions of the waters, to the Guyanese rock formations of the soil and well to the magical miracles of Mother Earth that has these colors. In Caño Cristales there are two particularities of the soil; in the upper parts there is a stone floor known as Guyanese shield rock, where the vegetation is medium. In the lower parts of the river the soil is jungle clay, where tall trees grow. These two soil differences mean that there is obviously medium and tall vegetation. In the upper part of the medium vegetation does not create shade, so more light enters the aquatic plants and their photosynthetic cycle gives them that red pigmentation. And in the lower parts, the trees and vegetation are more spices, robust and high; the light that enters the water and the podostemonaceae is more scarce, therefore the pigmentation of the plants is green. In conclusion: from Don David and Doña Maria's house upwards the pipe is generally red. And from Don David's house downwards and in Madre Selva the pipe is green.

The ideal time to see the coloration is from mid-April to the end of December. In the summer season (January, February and March) we do not recommend going because the water level drops, the plants get out of the water and lose one of their main nutrients: water. There must be a level of balance with the water so that the colors can be seen and when the rains begin in April the plants begin to color again. Likewise, if there is a torrential downpour, the pipe increases its flow and large jets are formed that cover the plants too much, which does not allow to see them. There are times when we are in the most ideal time to visit and the rain has not let us see the colors or even in some summers it rains and the river looks beautiful. As they say you also have to be attuned to the energy of the place to be able to appreciate it in its maximum splendor. It is important to be careful not to step on the plants, they are unique in the world and we do not want to run out of them because of the load of visitors.